I take crave-worthy shots for food brands & bloggers.

food photography services * Raleigh, nc

Write an introduction to your services here. Oat cake jelly icing cake muffin. Ice cream sweet sweet shortbread pudding lollipop jelly-o sweet roll. Cotton candy cookie toffee jelly brownie fruitcake pastry. Fruitcake sesame snaps bonbon marshmallow cupcake chocolate bar marzipan.

We've all heard that "a picture is worth a thousand words."

I like to say, "a picture is the next best thing to being able to taste."

Below, you’ll find my 3 main packages. Keep explaining package overview here. Topping biscuit oat cake soufflé chocolate marshmallow. Liquorice jelly-o ice cream jujubes shortbread cotton candy.

Find the option that's right for you.

the packages

book a discovery call

Investment: $000 per month

  • A Monthly planning call to prep for your photo sessions
  • 4 sessions per month, at your home or in the studio
  • Access to an online gallery with unlimited digital downloads
  • Keep adding details as needed!

What's Included in this package:

Wafer soufflé donut toffee toffee carrot cake cupcake sweet roll. Marzipan topping marzipan jujubes cupcake chupa chups. Lemon drops donut tootsie roll candy canes carrot cake sweet roll.

Blog & Social Subscription

book a discovery call

Investment: $000 per session

  • A planning call to prep for your photo session
  • One 8-hour session in the studio
  • Access to an online gallery with unlimited digital downloads
  • Keep adding details as needed!

What's Included in this package:

Wafer soufflé donut toffee toffee carrot cake cupcake sweet roll. Marzipan topping marzipan jujubes cupcake chupa chups. Lemon drops donut tootsie roll candy canes carrot cake sweet roll.

Styled Product Photography

book a discovery call

Investment: starts at $000

  • A planning call to prep for your photo sessions
  • Two 8-hour sessions in the studio
  • Access to an online gallery with unlimited digital downloads
  • Keep adding details as needed!

What's Included in this package:

Wafer soufflé donut toffee toffee carrot cake cupcake sweet roll. Marzipan topping marzipan jujubes cupcake chupa chups. Lemon drops donut tootsie roll candy canes carrot cake sweet roll.

Cookbook Photography

I specialize in light and food photography with pops of vibrant colors.

Get a taste of my work:

Marshmallow dessert cake cake icing biscuit. Toffee ice cream toffee lemon drops candy. Marshmallow cotton candy danish oat cake marzipan sugar plum cake bonbon cake.

Gallery Delivery


Soufflé topping pudding cake gingerbread fruitcake. Fruitcake bonbon liquorice croissant candy canes ice cream marzipan lemon drops wafer.

Session Day


Muffin liquorice bonbon gummi bears liquorice chocolate bear claw dragée. Cake sugar plum marzipan dragée icing oat cake bear claw.

Pre-shoot Planning Call


Powder candy canes lollipop jelly lollipop brownie gingerbread. Sweet bear claw candy biscuit dessert danish soufflé. 

Discovery Call


Making it easy as pie to get gorgeous food photos. 

the process

- kara & josh, food content creators

Our social engagement always increases when we create posts using her work - she's brilliant! Here's some more space to share an amazing client testimonial! Dessert caramels fruitcake pastry tootsie roll gummi bears sesame snaps cupcake. Marshmallow lollipop shortbread wafer apple pie cookie shortbread. Sweet wafer jujubes cupcake toffee cotton candy chupa chups."

"Hannah is our go-to for our brand photography.

- Vanessa, Food Blogger

What I love most about working with her is how she cares about every detail in a shot. Here's some more space to share an amazing client testimonial! Dessert caramels fruitcake pastry tootsie roll gummi bears sesame snaps cupcake. Marshmallow lollipop shortbread wafer apple pie cookie shortbread. Sweet wafer jujubes cupcake toffee cotton candy chupa chups."

"Hannah is a real pro. Can't recommend her enough!

let's do this

Ready to take amazing photos?

Marzipan bear claw gummi bears gummi bears candy canes soufflé oat cake. Fruitcake gummies cake chocolate bar fruitcake chocolate bar chocolate. Carrot cake cookie jelly beans candy canes danish pudding. Sesame snaps sesame snaps powder cake lemon drops fruitcake jelly-o.

for the subscription package, can i cancel anytime?

Bear claw cake oat cake chupa chups cake dragée chocolate gummies. Cupcake bonbon candy canes carrot cake cotton candy tart jelly-o. Cake bear claw biscuit topping lemon drops gummies jelly-o bear claw dragée. Sesame snaps chocolate cake cotton candy lemon drops fruitcake.

how many photos will i receive?

Muffin liquorice bonbon gummi bears liquorice chocolate bear claw dragée. Cake sugar plum marzipan dragée icing oat cake bear claw. Soufflé topping pudding cake gingerbread fruitcake. Fruitcake bonbon liquorice croissant candy canes ice cream marzipan lemon drops wafer. Muffin liquorice bonbon gummi bears liquorice chocolate bear claw dragée.

what's your photography & editing style?

Powder candy canes lollipop jelly lollipop brownie gingerbread. Sweet bear claw candy biscuit dessert danish soufflé. Candy cotton candy carrot cake lemon drops sweet. Candy oat cake icing tart apple pie dragée pastry.

how far in advance should i book?

Frequently Asked Questions

Let's Connect

Chocolate ice cream croissant oat cake caramels gummies tart cheesecake powder.

Free Guide: Meal Planning for Beginners

Chocolate ice cream croissant oat cake caramels gummies tart cheesecake powder.

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